Spanish Harbour: Area of Concern (In Recovery)

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Spanish Harbour was designated an Area of Concern in Recovery (AOCiR) in 1999, when all actions recommended in the Remedial Action Plan were completed. However, two of the nine beneficial use impairments remain, including Restrictions on Fish and Wildlife Consumption and Degradation of Benthos.

Border of Spanish Harbour AOCiR

Fish Consumption Survey

Over time fish consumption advisories have become less restrictive within the Spanish Harbour AOCiR and overall fish caught in Spanish Harbour have similar advisories to other Lake Huron locations. The exception are the bottom-feeding White Sucker and Channel Catfish, but the Guide to Eating Ontario Fish ( still allows for 2 meals/month for both.

The information being gathered through this survey is being collected by Algoma University and will help government agencies involved in the Spanish Harbour AOC process to assess the fish consumption beneficial use by identifying the consumption habits of people who catch and eat fish within the Spanish Harbour AOCiR. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete, it is confidential and anonymous, so no one will be able to connect your answers back to your name. We’re not interested in knowing if you have a fishing license and it will not be asking any questions related to any laws. Survey responses will be summarized in a final report and will not be linked to an individual.