Conceptual Site Model (CSM) Update/Sediment Management Strategy

A Conceptual Site Model (CSM) has been developed to assemble and synthesize existing information pertaining to contaminated sediment within the AOC. The overall deduction of the CSM is that that there is a low potential for adverse effects in benthic invertebrates, fish, wildlife, and humans that are exposed to contaminated sediment in the St. Marys River. Institutional controls to safeguard against exposing deeper, buried contaminants was advised.

A Sediment Management Strategy is currently being prepared to account for the updated Degradation of Benthos BUI delisting criteria and outline a plan for sediment sites throughout the St. Marys River. This will include any actions needed (e.g., administrative controls) and associated timelines. For areas where no management actions are warranted, the Strategy will clearly explain the reasons why management actions are not required.

The CSM will be updated upon finalization of the Sediment Management Strategy.